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Processing of Aonla (Emblica) into Medicinal and Cosmetic Products

Medicinal products of aonla used for treating chronic dysentery hemorrhage, diabetes, bronchitis, fever, diarrhea, dyspepsia, cough, scurvy, jaundice, anemia, piles dermatitis disease, associated with blood and preventing aging. Fruits are used in various Aurvedic preparations such as Chavanprash, Triphla, Triphla churn, Amalki churn, Amalki grith, Amalki rasayan, Amalki awaleh, Dhatri lauh, Diabetes powder, Mahatikt grith, Bavasir nasak, Mahausidhi and Amrit kalash. The technque for preparation of some of the products are given below:



Bael root, Arari bark of Sonapan, Gambhar root bark, Pathal root bark, Bari and chhoti kateri root, Gokharu, Shal purnomul, Pushti parni, Balamul, Kankarsingi, Pushkarmul, Vasamul, Mashparni, Jiwanti, Punarwa, Guruch, Pipali, Haritki, Draksha, Small Cardemom, Kaknasa, Agarkasht, White Sandal, Nagarmotha, Kachur, Bikshari kand, Neel kamal, Ridhi, Bridhi jiwak, Rishmak Menda, mahamenda, kakoli, kshir kakoli – 50 g each.

Water 13 lit, fresh aonla 6kg, Banslochan 200g, Pipali (big) 200g Cinnamon 100g, Cardamom (small) 50g, Cassia 50g, Nag kesar 50 g Ghee (Cow) 300g, Honey 300g and sugar 6kg.

Technique of Preparation

Decoction ingredient→ Cut the ingredients into small pieces. Put the pieces into alluminium / steel bhagauna→ Add water and cook it up to ¼ mass→ Strained with the help of muslin cloth→ Boilthe fresh aonla till it becomes soft and remove stone→Prepare the pulp of segments→ Put fat (ghee) into steel bhagauna and little heating→ Add aonla pulp and fry till pulp becomes brown / redish and releases ghee→ Take out from fire→ Add sugar in strained decoction and cooking→When the syrup become concentrated (2 tar), add fried pulp of aonla and mix it thoroughly→ Take out from fire and cool it→ Add banslochan, Nagkesar, Pipali, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Cassia, by making fine powder→Add honey in the last after cooling the product→Packing the chavanprash in suitable container→ Storing.

Amalki churn

This is useful in acidity, blood, aging etc. The technique for preparation of Amalki churn is as under:

Technique of Preparation

Aonla fruits→ Drying→ Breaking→ Removal of seed→ Grinding into fine powder→ Packing in small glass bottle/Plastic bottles (pulpit) → Storing.

Aonla churan


Aonla powder 100g, Citric acid 3g, Common salt 8g, Black salt 15g, Asafoetida 1g, Fennel powder 1g, Ajwain 0.5g, Black paper 2g, Cumin seeds powder (roasted) 1g, ginger 1.5g and Sugar 15g.

Technique of Preparation

Ingredients→ Grind the ingredients finally→ Straining through 80-100 mesh sieve→ Mixing thoroughly→ Packing the churns in air tight container/pouches→ Sealing→ Storing.

Triphala powder


Dried aonla 1kg, Dried Bahera 1kg, Dried harad 1 kg.

Technique of Preparation

Ingredients (aonla, bahera, harad) → removing of stone/seed of each ingredients→ Grinding separately to make powder→ Mixing of each powder in eq2ual quantity→ Packing in glass bottles/pouches Sealing→ Storing.

Diabetes powder


Dried aonla 1kg, Guruch 1kg, and Turmeric 1kg.

Technique of Preparation

Dried aonla, guruch and turmeric→ Grinding into fine powder→ Straining/ Sieving→ Packing in glass bottles or polythene pouches→ Sealing→ Storing.

Dhatri Lauh Churn (Powder)


Aonla powder 1kg, Lauh bhasm 500g, Mulethi powder 250g, and Aonla juice 250ml.

Technique of Preparation

Aonla powder + Lauh bhasm + Mulethi powder→Mixing above ingredients thoroughly with the hand→ Mix little aonla juice properly→ Repeating the process 6 to 7 times→Packing in glass bottles→ Sealing→ Storing.

Cosmetic products of Aonla

Cosmetic products with herbal base becoming very popular in India and worldwide. Aonla based cosmoseuticals products are fast replacing the chemical based products in the market. The most important cosmetic aonla products are hair oil and shampoos. The hair oil market is huge in India. For production 100ml hair oil, 50g green aonla is required. Herbal shampoo market is becoming popular. Industrial demand for aonla fruit in this segment is also very high. The other cosmetic products are lipstick, facial cream, face packs, toothpaste etc.


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